Why Do I Need an Accident Attorney?

After an accident, you may be wondering whether you should hire an attorney or handle the matter on your own. The decision on whether or not to hire an attorney will depend on some factors related to the accident. For small accidents where it's clear that the other driver is at fault, you may not need a lawyer. However, in accidents that involved serious injuries, it will be in your best interest to hire an accident lawyer to help you.


The courts around the country have become complex and it can be difficult for anyone who is not trained to find their way through. If you opt to take an accident case to court on your own, you risk undue delays in the hearing if you don't know the steps to follow. Read more about it in the site at http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Personal_injury. Moreover, even small procedural errors can significantly affect your case. Rather than go through all the hassle of filing a lawsuit on your own, you can hire an accident attorney to do the work for you.


How Much Does an Attorney Cost?


There is no set rate at which attorneys charge their fees. In most cases, attorneys consider different factors to determine how much to charge for their services. For accident cases, most attorneys work on a contingency basis. In this arrangement, the attorney will handle your case but not request upfront fees. Rather, he or she will request to be paid a percentage of the award you will be given at the end of the case or negotiations.


Yes! The contingency rate of attorneys varies from state to state. In some states, the law has a cap limit on the highest percentage that attorneys can charge. In special cases, a judge can set the cap limit for the contingency rate of the attorney. It will be up to you to negotiate the rate with the attorney. However, you should expect to pay from 20 to 40 percent of the total settlement you will get.


Don't let the rate that the attorney charges scare you from hiring one. The attorney is a professional legal adviser and defender of clients in courts. His or her knowledge of your state's accident cases will be instrumental in helping you secure a fair compensation. You can always represent yourself in court. However, the amount you may win will not be close to what the attorney can get you.


There are many good accident attorneys you can hire to help you with the case. Make sure you discuss the fees to be charged before any agreements are signed. Find out more about this through a report from a news Anchor.